A simple plan for your life ... just enjoy it! … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

A simple plan for your life ... just enjoy it! … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Years ago ... i started to built and loved it.

Then i continued with a new house ... and a new one ... and then i said one day ... let’s try with 15 houses.

Meanwhile i decided as those houses to become a complex with few places for recreation ... and also a bar and a swimming pool.

The whole project was more expensive than i even thought about ... but i knew that if you want to eat an elephant, you just need to cut it into small pieces and eat one piece ... and then another one ... and another one ...

To lie myself that i can do it, i worked on all the buildings.

One week i was doing something, then i was doing something else to another house ... and so on.

I had no money on my pocket ... but i was continuing the project.

There were days when i saw that i will complete everything and days when i thought that i just try to touch the horizon line.

Everything took 5 years.

Not even the people involved in the project ... could believe that i will finish one day.

An idiot, that worked with me ... but very good on what he was doing ... told me in the second year ... “It will take you at least another 3 years to complete this project”.

I almost wanted to kill him hearing this, but i decided to go to my car and leave.


Being so nervous ... i crashed his car, by accident.

Paid the damaged ... but i was glad of what i did ... because of what he just said.

During the time ... i had many moments when i realized that the project is not a residential complex ... but a life lesson.

I lost my temper hundreds of times and i had a delay for at least one year cause i did not knew how to react and speak with the workers involved into the project.

The project itself ... became a prison, but after 5 years i succeeded and rented all the houses.

Imagine what i did at the end?!

Well ... just started a new project with a house with 23 rooms, that will be kind of a hotel for elders.

The project is half of the last project ... but still a big one for my powers ... but i decided to not care anymore of how much time it will take to be completed.

I tried to remember that i build ... because i love to build ... and i should just enjoy that process.

I actually forgot the message behind the message ... that i love the process itself of building ... but not necessarily the fact that i will own those buildings.

When it will finish ... guess what?!

You think i will go in a vacation for 1 year around the world?!

No, no.

I am sure ... i will come out with a new project.

But ... at least ... i decided to enjoy what i do ... even if it is an illusion ... or even a prison project.

So ... a simple plan for your life ... just enjoy it .. whatever you do ... with not so many plans anymore.


Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a message” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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